Contrary to popular belief, the process of forming a union starts with you and your coworkers. One thing we as working people must never forget, unity leads to power. As long as you stand together with your fellow co-workers, the opportunities for a life as a union worker are endless! Generally, the process looks something like the following:

• Co-workers discuss their shared concerns about the job, their employer, and their interest and potential benefits of joining Local #3
• After determining Local #3 is the right choice, workers contact a union organizer to start building a plan for a successful campaign

• Union organizers will work with you and your co-workers to effectively empower and protect you in the path towards unionization
• With the help of the union, workers garner majority support for the cause in their shop

• Finally, an election is held. If a majority of workers in a shop vote to join the union, then their employer is legally obligated to negotiate an agreement.
Read more about your right to engage in union activity by clicking the link below.